
Cite books, what?

With the Quick Cite app, you take a picture of a book's barcode and the citation is sent to your email!  What a great idea.  It would be convient if they compiled all the citations in one file, similar to Easy Bib's format.  This would be really useful if I used hard copies of books or really even cited books. Womp Womp.  Read the article in Fast Company:
A bit of quick math shows a conservative estimate of something on the order of 11-12 hours spent just on a project of that size, while doing almost nothing else. For larger projects, of course, you'd be spending days or weeks. Indeed, one of Fast Company's trusted sources (okay, our own Kit Eaton), estimates that such an app would have saved him over two weeks on his physics dissertation.
Too many hours sitting at a desk.  The only thing I'll be citing next week is SPRING BREAK.

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