

We all aspire for some sort of greatness.Everyday I am surround by students on the business /finance track to millions.  Many of them bragging about the thousands they are making this summer or after graduation. (Meanwhile I stress about how I am going to pay for my summer with an unpaid internship in the city,yet again).  This semester, I have been fortunate to have meet a lot of seniors and have had intimate conversations with many of them.  Not surprisingly, many are headed to some big bank in NYC or Europe after graduation.  After they explain their future job and how much money they are going to make, my next question is always, so what are you passionate about and where woud you like to see yourself in 5 years?  Many stare back at me blankly, and lack an interesting or inspiring answer. 

I love talking to people about my passions and things I would like to accomplish by the time I am 25.  I am arrogant or something, no, I am passionate about many things and I love the opportunity to express my passions and possibly enlighten other people.  It amazes me that seniors at Cornell, lack passions or motivations to do other things and simply follow the linear path of banking and simply money.  Money is their passion and daily driver for success and greatness. This saddens me deeply. 

So thank you Simon Sinek for your post on your blog Re:Focus about passion. 

Passion is like bookends to process.
Passion starts things. It inspires us to start a business, take classes or take risks. But without some learning, some structure or some process, that passion can quickly run out of steam or find itself fueling a futile exercise.
Process is what helps us get good at what we're passionate about. It gives us expertise and credibility. It is what gives us the intellectual capacity to solve problems and make advancements. However, if we get stuck in the process, though we can get good at what we do, we can never be great.
Greatness always requires passion.

Advice like this reminds me not to give up and I am doing the right things in college.  Word of advice, have passions, be passionate about something.  People will respect you for it, and like Sinek says - "greatness comes with passion"

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