
The Importance of Being Thankful

My dad has always stressed the importance of writing Thank You notes.  Thank You's can strengthen a good personal impression and also keep you fresh in the recipient's mind.  Most importantly, with just a few sentences you can express gratitude.  I don't believe that all favors - or dinners at a friend's house - are necessary of a written note - this is when my dad might disagree with me.  But I believe that some gesture of gratitude, whether an email or facebook message, is never out of line.  After a job interview, lunch meeting for career advice, or receiving a present...just a few sentences can express gratitude.
Lined envelopes are the best...my favorite stationary ever is Crane single-ply yellow notes with yellow envelopes that were lined with a fun multi-colored print.  Of course, I could only find a half pack in my mom's dresser.  These bee cards aren't as great, but they'll easily do the trick for my Thank You's.


Updated Rain Coat

The fusion of a rain jacket and biker leather jacket....
Andrew Marc black Louise rain jacket at Ruelala for 189, regularly 350.

I think this is such a clever version of a rain jacket, you would never know just looking at it! But at that price, you're pretty close to an actual leather jacket.  Also, I like my raincoats to have a hood because I'm anti-umbrella.


Tortoise HAHA

We love Tortoise. Just not this type of tortoise:
Nike Air Assault High for $90.


Fashion Econ?

I am at a loss - chunky,oversized watches have become a very, very popular trend. Everyone is wearing them, every housewife has one, sorority girls share them, grandmas at the farmers markets sport them. Thanks to Sailing Equestrian I first got into watches about three years ago. I am not looking forward to drooling over girls watches at school, when last year it was just a click of watch wearing gals. It all really hit me the day I saw Wal-Mart had knock off Toy Watches, Wal-Mart had knock offs!! Can something be more trendy?

Now this makes me wonder, is fashion evidence that trickle down economics really does work? Republicans might want to try to use this evidence with Beohner as speaker, and while defending spray tans.

To be continued...fashion economics

Lovely Wool Jacket

I love jackets, and not only because where I live you wear jackets about 8 months of the year. I love this Marc Jacobs wool jacket because of the great color and fun frill on the bottom. You cannot go wrong with a classic cut red jacket, and you also get the added touch on the bottom.