Cinnamon Coffee
Gooooood byee creamer, skim milk, half-half, whole milk, fake milk all of it. Helllo dark, strong, black coffee at only four calories a serving plus caffeine. My dad keeps reminding me that coffee not only turns your teeth funky colors, but when you add lovely cream and sugar it also causes cavities. I may not eat a lot of candy and avoid sugary foods for the most part, but my coffee habits sometimes contradict this lifestyle as my dad pointed out at breakfast over break. As a college student, I can admit I am a coffee addict, I have to have multiple cups a day and the habit is taking a chunk out of my bank account. I have managed to wean myself off the mochas, white chocolate mochas, skinny nonfat hazelnut lattes, grasshoppers. Sugary coffee drinks require special occasions and my dad did not accept vacation as a special occassion when I justified adding sugar to my coffee at breakfast. Nowadays, I enjoy a great Americano or Cafe au Lait (Not Starbucks style. You must clarify when you order one because Americans are confused.). Currently, I am adjusting to simple black coffee with cinnamon. It has not been too bad and I am beginning to love it. People say you cannot love black coffee, but the transition is underway and my dad will be happy. My teeth my have some coffee stains that I can take care of, but cavities are a different story and I want to stay cavity free my whole life! Cheers to no cavities and being skinny.
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