
My New Experiment

I was eating dinner with my friend M, who went vegetarian a month ago, and she mentioned that ever since she has been more tired. I told her about my brother who has been doing the slow-carb/very few-carbs approach. Now when he eats carbs, he is out cold on the couch for hours.

So we decided to try a diet/approach to eating (the end goal is not to lose weight, but if that happens I won't be distraught), which I think is better than vegetarianism! NO CARBS FOR A MONTH! That's right no rice, chips, pizza (at least the crust part), crackers, bread, muffins, and bagels :) I hope I'll get more energy and stop falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon. Some of my friends tried to tell me that my body would go bonkers and I wouldn't be able to function...I think the millions of Americans who tried Atkins were just fine, even if they did regain the weight, and carbs are in almost every food and drink!

We'll see how long I'll last without 3am pizza though and

RIP my anti-drug...


  1. That a very articulate way to explain cold turkey/crash diet. The rice is hardest...

  2. I am just trying to avoid carbs, it's so hard!
