
Fast Times at Woodside High

I keep hearing more and more about how distracting cell phones are for students while studying.  I have been on a crackberry diet for the past few weeks, which has been driving my friends crazy.  I have been enjoying every minute of it.  I know as a crackberry addict how distracting my phone really is. The little red LED when I have messages, emails, Facebook, Foursquare, any updates - actually causes some anxiety.  Especially, if I can see it and can't look at my phone. This is especially difficult while I am studying.  Recently, I read a study somewhere that took three students - one was allowed to get high and study,  one had a cell phone and the other studied no distractions.  Obviously, the student with no distractions received the highest grade followed by the student who was high and finally the student with a cell phone.  Still blows my mind.  Not only are cell phones super distracting while studying, but current research is also suggesting they are frying our brains.  Just lovely.

Further Reading...
Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction
Achieving a Healthful Digital Diet
Students and Technology, Constant Companions

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